
Annual fee (Calendar year)  for financial service providers*:
Per company: 300 CHF
* less profit participation from the previous year (50% of the previous year’s net income is used for refunds. This surplus participation is available to all financial service providers already affiliated in the previous year).

Connection fee:
The one-off connection fee is CHF 100.

Fees for financial customers:
The registration fee for submitting an application for mediation is between CHF 150 and a maximum of CHF 250 in exceptional cases (depending on the amount in dispute, the complexity of the dispute and the volume of documents submitted).

Fees for mediation negotiations (to be borne by the financial service provider concerned):
The fees for conducting a mediation hearing in the case of paragraph 12 of the Rules of Procedure are CHF 600 to CHF 3500. The hourly rate for mediations by the Ombudsman is CHF 200.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    Callback service

    Callback service

    Callback service
    Do you have any questions or need advice? We will gladly call you back. Just send us your telephone number and the preferred time of call. This free service is available from Monday to Friday.




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