Registration for financial institutions and financial service providers

At its meeting on 6 November 2019, the Federal Council brought the Financial Services Act (FIDLEG) and the Financial Institutions Act (FINIG) together with the implementing ordinances into force on 1 January 2020. The financial service providers subject to these laws are now obliged to join an ombudsman’s office. Connection to an ombudsman’s office is also a mandatory requirement for the newly required entry in an advisor register.

As soon as registration has been completed, you will receive the follow-up agreement for signing and the corresponding invoice. After returning the signed follow-up agreement and payment, we will send you the confirmation of admission by e-mail and inform the relevant registers of consultants about the admission.

You can register below:

Desired language of correspondece
Contact person:
Please confirm: *

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


    Callback service

    Callback service

    Callback service
    Do you have any questions or need advice? We will gladly call you back. Just send us your telephone number and the preferred time of call. This free service is available from Monday to Friday.




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